Website updates: The how, when and why?

Jul 25, 2024 | Strategy, Website Optimisation Tips

Part of owning a website involves keeping it fresh and exciting. But how often should you do website updates? And what does this actually entail? How many blog posts should you publish per month?

Let me explain.

There’s two schools of thought: Are you using content (and optionally SEO) as part of your marketing strategy?

If you’re not considering content marketing and SEO

If not, only update when it’s vital to update your clients/customers on new information. This may include:

  • Your location changing.
  • Your hours of operation changing.
  • Policy updates.
  • Changes to the services you offer, payment options, and/or how you deliver services or products.
  • Adding to your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) when necessary.

Ensuring this information is up to date will minimise any concerns or confusion when a customer reaches out to you.

If you do want to include content marketing/SEO in your website updates

SEO involves work to make your website more visible on Google and search engine results pages. If you are using this, then it’s a good idea to have a blog and add new posts regularly. Make regular and consistent blog articles addressing commonly asked questions and problems you solve with your product/service.

If using SEO, create content on your website that matches up to search keywords you want to appear on. A robust SEO strategy includes:

  • Regularly researching keywords.
  • Creating helpful content that matches search intent.
  • Updating your existing content to match search intent.
  • Getting PR and/or links from other websites.

Some businesses will often pay an SEO agency a monthly retainer of several thousand dollars (per month) in order to do all that work.

Calendar app on a smartphone. Keeping a schedule is a great way to ensure you've always got consistent website updates.

How often should you update your blog?

It does not matter how often you add a new blog article, so long as you don’t stop all of a sudden for several months. Doing so could lose the momentum you were getting from driving brand awareness with regular content updates.

This question was suggested to me by Darleen: “What do I need to do to update my website and how often should I update it? How often should I write and publish blogs so that it remains relevant?” I hope this helps! Please do feel free to suggest questions for me to answer by sending me an email.

Lou Kozlevcar

Lou Kozlevcar

Lou (they/them) is a highly skilled digital marketing consultant based in Melbourne, Australia, with agency training and an impressive track record of success. Lou is dedicated to building beautiful websites that their clients can be proud of.