Web Design for Relationship Coach: Evolve & Become, Case Study

Aug 22, 2024 | Case Studies

The brief:

Liz came to me with a website in shambles! Old, outdated, cluttered, and worst of all… Hacked! But before getting started on this web design project, we had some preparation to do. This involved digging a little into what Liz’s business was all about. Sure, perhaps it was all plain to see on her existing website. But was it designed with her business goals in mind? I couldn’t say. The right web design for a relationship coach includes clear calls to action, guiding visitors to book appointments or explore their offerings.

PS: If you’d like to learn more about the principles of designing a website for this kind of client, I have an article discussing a similar niche: Web design for therapists.

Web design for relationship coach: Liz Ross

See the website for yourself, over at LizRoss.com.au

The web design process:


My web design process usually kicks off with a discovery call between myself and the client. The purpose of this is to ensure that my capabilities match up with what the client is looking for. The discovery call also provides an opportunity for a ‘vibe check.’ Since a website project can take several weeks or even months, it’s important to ensure that you’ll get along well with your partner.

The discovery process also involves coming up with a scope for the project. This is to eliminate scope creeps, what ifs and what abouts. The last thing we want is the project going over-budget, or leaving important features out because they weren’t explored in the brief.


Once we’ve confirmed we’re both on the same page about the project, I get to work! I streamline the process by building the new website directly in the web browser, eliminating the need for wireframes and non-interactive mockups. This means a faster project delivery, without sacrificing quality.


Once Liz was happy with the finished website, the final deposit was paid, and the website is handed over. My clients retain full admin access to their website back-end and hosting. I also provide post-launch check-ins and as much or as little training as needed.

Testimonial from Liz Ross, Relationship Coach

“The state of my website before working with Lou was very disorganised and unprofessional. It was too bright and old and I was unable to attract in my ideal clients.

When I connected with Lou, I felt very at ease, safe and comfortable. Lou listened to me and was able to create a plan and give me a few options to choose from for my website development. Lou saved me time and energy. I trusted their expertise and previous work.

The state of my website now is clean, clear, professional and organised. My niche market is able to find me and connect with me and my services with ease.

This now means for my business I feel more comfortable and confident in sharing my services and who I am.

I feel better about myself and my business and sharing my services now.

Thankyou Lou, I highly recommend Lou and their Website development services.

I look forward to working with Lou again on my next projects for my website.


Liz Ross.”

Investing in quality web design for a relationship coach can lead to more bookings, and a higher perception of your business. If you’d like me to work on a fresh WordPress website design for you, please get in touch.

Lou Kozlevcar

Lou Kozlevcar

Lou (they/them) is a highly skilled digital marketing consultant based in Melbourne, Australia, with agency training and an impressive track record of success. Lou is dedicated to building beautiful websites that their clients can be proud of.