When deciding whether to DIY or hire an ads manager, it's important to consider not just the time you'll save, but also the expertise and strategy a professional can bring to your campaigns. In this episode, I go through the difference between running ads yourself...
Meta Marketing
Where do I even begin? Meta is just an all-round excellent ecosystem for reaching new audiences and likely customers. So have a peruse of this tag to get some fab insights into Meta marketing. Oh right! You might commonly see people refer to this as Facebook marketing, because that’s typically how people identify the Meta ecosystem.
Episode 032: Boosted posts VS using ads manager. Return of the Boosty Posty!
Want to know what's involved and what to expect from boosted posts VS using the ads manager? This episode is for you! In this episode, I share my wisdom and experiences with setting up Facebook ad campaigns for success. I'd like for you to know what's involved, before...
Episode 031: ‘Always On Campaign’: How to Ensure Your Pipeline Stays Full
Running a business can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster, with cashflow ebbs and flows. But what if there was a way to keep your business ticking along, without the ups and downs? That's where an "Always On Campaign" comes in. This strategy ensures that your...
Episode 027: Your key to success with content marketing
Ever wondered how some coaches and group program facilitators make their content marketing look… effortless? In this guest interview with Claire Riley, we unlock her content marketing success secrets! (And how she can help you achieve this too!) Claire Riley's...
Episode 026: What’s the point of ads or SEO if the big players already have a foothold?
What’s the point of it all if there are established businesses advertising online? In this episode I explain why you shouldn’t let that be a barrier to you investing in social media marketing, search marketing, email, or anything else online! SEO competition may sound...
Episode 025: Audience Targeting for Paid Media Ads 101
Creating an audience to target with Facebook ads (or Google Ads)? How? Why? Where? Who? In this episode, I explain what you need to know about audiences, and my tactics on creating Facebook ads targeting interests. I tell you what I do if you’re not sure what...
Episode 023: Google VS Facebook ads – is one better than the other?
I see this question asked all over the place: Which is better: Google Ads or Facebook ads? To put it simply: There isn't one that trumps over the other overall. No really! It's true! In this podcast episode, I take a deep dive into Google VS Facebook ads, whilst...
Episode 020: What do you put in Facebook ads to make then effective?
You might know that social media ads can be a cost-effective tool to grow your business. What you might not know is what to put in them. So let's talk about that! In this podcast episode I'll explain some effective Facebook ads examples. What content do you need? And...
Episode 019: Why do you need a Facebook Pixel to grow your courses?
In this podcast episode, I unpack the pixel! What’s a Facebook pixel? Why do you need one? Does it help promote your courses? Yes, yes, and yes! Oh and by the way, yes you can run ads without one, absolutely. I’ll explain why you want one, what information you get...
Episode 016: Is it worth trying to run your own ads? (Yes if tech is easy for you)
Are you questioning whether you should run your own ads? Let's explore this together with my marketing expert insights! Watch this episode on: YouTube. Listen on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts. Transcript: Hey there, wonderful people! Today, I want to address the question:...