Episode 030: Everything your website needs, and what it doesn’t

Jul 11, 2024 | Podcast, Website Tips

Not sure what your website needs? First ask yourself what your business needs, and then what your customers need. In this interview with web developer, Kim Maxwell, we explain some requirements for coaches, course providers, and service providers in more detail. Tune in if you want to know more! (Handy to know before you reach out for help!)

Kim Maxwell’s website: https://onlinetree.com.au

Watch this episode on: YouTube. Listen on: SpotifyApple Podcasts.


  • We bet you didn’t know how far Lou and Kim’s professional relationship went!
  • Kim explains how web design became important to her.
  • Why business owners decide to get new websites.
  • What elements does your website need?
  • And some things you don’t…
  • What to discuss with your designer or marketing professional.
  • A reminder that you can reach out to people like Kim or Lou with questions, before you start a project. Better to reach out and ask, than sit forever wondering if you were right…

Plan what your website needs, before you get started. Animated GIF of stick figure person drawing a line between two squares on a chart.

Your website is a virtual hub for your business. It allows you to connect with anyone, anytime, showcase your offerings, and more. It should be seen as a valuable tool in generating leads and sales, and prepared for with care. Would you like me to expand upon anything we spoke about in this episode? Feel free to reach out!

Lou Kozlevcar

Lou Kozlevcar

Lou is an experienced web developer and paid ads consultant based in Melbourne, Australia, with agency training and an impressive track record of success. Lou is dedicated to building beautiful websites that business owners can be proud of.


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